Jesse Hitt • 05 Aug 2024 • 7 min read

Build Community with Condominium Association Management Software

condo management software

Condo living is about more than enjoying excellent amenities, convenient maintenance, and high property values—residents also love being part of a tight-knit community. But with so many neighbors living in close proximity, excellent communication is key to preventing misunderstandings, frustrations, and conflict. The HOA or condo board is tasked with facilitating open and honest communication about everything from community covenants and expectations to fees and schedules, to neighborhood news and social gatherings. In the past, boards found that task cumbersome, if not downright overwhelming. Today’s forward-thinking boards streamline and simplify their responsibilities with condo management software. Software facilitates clear communication and efficient workflows, freeing condo boards to focus on their most important job: bringing their community together. 

condo management software

Condominium Association Management Software Keeps Private Communications Private

Condominiums can be close-knit, but what happens when condo living feels a little too close? Where do neighbors go for help resolving not-so-neighborly interactions? Where can residents turn if they need the board to step in to enforce a policy, or if they are confused about maintenance requests and dues schedules? 

Providing appropriate outlets for neighbors to communicate keeps minor concerns from escalating into major complaints. When a condo board doesn’t use condominium association management software to facilitate private community conversations, those conversations still happen–but they may happen in the wrong places. If neighbors don’t know where to ask questions or get help, they may turn to social media to ask questions or vent complaints. Think about some of the public places where such conversations typically take place: 


Many neighborhoods organize Facebook Groups as a place to communicate, but innocent posts can quickly turn into public free-for-alls. Conversations that should be held privately by a small group are held publicly for all to read (and expound upon). In the category of “humorous but harmless annoyances,” a discussion about maintenance schedules may be derailed by news of a neighborhood cat’s digestive troubles as its owner seeks recommendations for a reliable veterinarian. But in the category of “hurtful and inappropriate comments,” sometimes neighbors air private grievances and personal criticisms in a public forum. 


Nextdoor is a neighborhood-specific (not HOA-specific) social app, complete with public posts and feeds. Unfortunately, Nextdoor has been accused of censorship, racial profiling, discrimination, and the occasional spread of misinformation. Whether or not those accusations are true, the public nature of NextDoor posts is problematic. Like Facebook, it encourages public discussions instead of private ones. 

The biggest problem with public platforms like these is they unintentionally foster passive-aggressive comments and behaviors. Some neighbors who might hesitate to address a concern face-to-face in the condo clubhouse may feel free to air their complaints online. Sadly, such behavior undermines trust, escalates conflict, and erodes community connection. 

To build trust and cultivate a positive, welcoming atmosphere in your condo community, the solution is simple: Rely on a condominium association management software to set up multiple avenues of communication where residents can privately ask questions, address concerns, and resolve issues. Highly rated software like PayHOA allows your board to set up small groups, community groups, and multiple message boards so the right conversations happen between the right people in the right places. 

  • Every neighbor knows exactly where and how to submit maintenance requests, confident their request will initiate an immediate workflow.
  • Residents can ask questions and communicate concerns directly to the HOA board without drawing the whole neighborhood into the discussion.
  • Separate message boards allow the preschool moms’ group to safely arrange playdates without prying eyes, while the retirees’ book club uses a separate chat to privately plan their next meeting.
condo management software

Build Trust by Storing and Sharing Important Information

What’s the current policy on bringing guests to the pool? When is the next neighborhood gathering? What happened at the last board meeting? Condominiums have many members—and many moving parts. Policies change, neighbors move, and the community wants to be kept up-to-date. A versatile condominium association management software can help leadership communicate clearly and quickly to residents about everything from policy changes to event planning. Software provides advantages like these:

  • Bulletin boards offer transparent, one-way condo community communication. Post announcements and updates for the entire community, but keep the messaging clear and uncluttered, free from unnecessary comments.
  • Owner portals give residents easy access to their own information, from upcoming HOA fees and deadlines to updates on their maintenance requests.
  • Document storage allows your condo board to store documents online where residents can easily find them. Maintain trust and transparency by posting bylaws, community guidelines, meeting minutes, and financial documents for residents to review anytime they have questions. 

Mass Communication Leads to Better Management 

People expect clear communication, and they want it fast. Thanks to condominium association management software, condo managers and boards can share relevant information quickly and easily. You can update residents in real-time using their preferred communication method, whether that be email, snail mail, text, or calls. PayHOA makes it easy to automate mass communication in multiple ways:

  • Send SMS text messages. Texts are a great way to reach busy residents who may not take the time to read a letter but will pause to read a text.
  • Automate phone calls. Make announcements, send reminders, and more. Phone calls are a great option if you are missing an email address or simply want your message to have a more personal touch.
  • Send emails. You can send emails to the entire community or just a selected group. Then, you can track deliveries, opens, and clicks from a broadcast dashboard. 

Foster Meaningful Connections with Two-Way Messaging

Some announcements and updates need no response, but others do. Condo residents want to communicate with one another and with community leaders. Here’s where two-way communication options like message boards come in. Message boards direct conversations to the proper channels and help neighbors connect in positive ways. Message boards take community conversations off of disorganized social media apps and group chats and organize them in a community-only setting. Condominium association management software provides two-way options like these: 

  • Create private communication channels for all your condo’s committees, teams, social groups, and more. The HOA board can have its own channel in the app so all their important conversations happen in one place. 
  • Open forums allow the entire community to communicate in positive ways. But “open forum” doesn’t mean “open to all of Facebook”—these conversations are limited to homeowners in your community. 
  • Set up as many message boards and group chats as you need.

Keep a Finger on the Pulse of Community Opinions

A huge part of community management is getting everyone to agree. Covenants don’t work if no one follows them (or enforces them), and social events aren’t fun if no one shows. A smart condominium board doesn’t make independent decisions behind closed doors—they solicit resident feedback to inform their choices, and they keep residents updated on their discussions and decisions. Condominium association management software like PayHOA helps board members, HOA leaders, and management stay connected to residents’ needs and opinions so they can make the best decisions. Software can help you:

  • Send out surveys to solicit feedback from residents.
  • Invite homeowners to vote on policy changes and other decisions.
  • Use polls to solicit residents’ ideas and involvement as you plan your next event.
  • Offer digital and paper options for residents to vote the way they want to. 

PayHOA software provides powerful, versatile solutions for condo associations. It’s a one-stop management tool that makes communication easier and enhances community living. Contact HOA to get started today.

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